The Ouisconsing School of Collaboration is a public charter school in the School District of Lodi, serving 80 students in grades 3, 4 and 5 in a project-based environment.
Mrs. Grace Schirra
Mrs. Alison Stone
Mrs. Carly Zick
Mrs. Jess Homan
Office Hours: 7:30-4:00
Doors Open for Students: 7:50 am
School Day: 8:05am-3:05pm
3rd Grade Lunch: 11:30 am
4th Grade Lunch: 12:10 pm
5th Grade Lunch: 11:50 pm
Contact Us
Eric Scheunemann
608.592.3842 ext 2102
Katherine Klinke
Administrative Assistant/Health Aide 608.592.3842 ext 2100