The Ice Age Trail Alliance

The Ouisconsing School of Collaboration, School District of Lodi and The Ice Age Trail Alliance have come together to collaborate in a place and project-based partnership.

The partners herein enter into a Memorandum of Understanding setting forth the mutual interests and benefits to each member of the collaborative. The terms of this agreement is 3 years. (fall semester of 2023 – spring semester 2027)



OSC is a place and project-based charter school serving grades 3 – 5. Since 2013, OSC has used the Ice Age Trail as a medium for student learning and community engagement. During this time students and educators have used the Trail as a project focus, participated in educational hikes, and helped in service learning activities. In 2023, OSC requested a more focused partnership with the Alliance to provide a 3-year cycle of learning focused on all aspects of the Alliance’s work. 


The Ice Age Trail Alliance, a 501(c)3 organization, builds and sustains the 1,200-mile footpath that runs throughout Wisconsin and within the SDL’s grounds. This partnership offers faculty, staff, and students the opportunity to learn with scientists and multi-generational outdoor enthusiasts as they explore, build and maintain the trail and restore the surrounding landscape.  Further, this partnership provides the district a wide opportunity for multi-year learning.